ChangeWork HR provides a flexible range of HR interim management, HR project and HR consultancy solutions. We will agree a method of engagement to deliver your work in the most appropriate and cost effective way:

Because of the breadth of our skills and experience we can manage projects, act as subject matter experts, or both.

We fully deploy PRINCE 2 principles or adopt a "lighter" project approach according to your house style and the needs of the brief. We carry the appropriate levels of professional indemnity insurance, and operate to CIPD's code of professional conduct.

Client references bear testimony to the unique attributes of Changework HR's service.  Exceptional technical strength, and current judicial experience in the Employment Tribunal mean that risk management is backed with a real insight into tribunal decision making. Your legal bills are reduced and most importantly, you can have peace of mind that your reputation is secure.

We are often engaged in multi-disciplined procurement exercises to advise or support a tenderer or bidder. While we are HR subject matter experts, we never forget the broader business context, as our testimonials point out.

Practical. Creative. Commercial. Secure.

We chart a route through complex legislation, paying attention to the details of implementation. Pragmatic. Creative. Commercial. Secure.

ChangeWork HR Services works on projects that have financial and reputational risk written all over them. Yet clients consistently report satisfaction and assurance.